A colourful collection of extraordinary characters take children on delightfully outlandish adventures. Working together, they gain an understanding of some of our major environmental problems and the keys to solving them.
Series includes:
The Green Genie - Accompanying Alini the Green Genie on her flying green carpet, Rosheen Aladeen and friends learn how they can be part of regenerating vital parts of Earth’s eco-system.
The Blue Kazoo – Summoned under the waves by a mysterious blue kazoo, Rollo learns to play the song of the sea which persuades world leaders to protect our oceans.
The Red Alert – After a chance encounter in a supermarket Scarlet, a dejected and unheeded red alert, Charlotte Shakeerdu and her mother mount a campaign that saves rainforests and their ecosystems by teaching people how to shop for products that use sustainably sourced palm oil.
We create multidimensional learning experiences that nurture our sense of connection to nature, so that in whatever field of endeavour we choose, we understand ourselves as part of Earth’s ecosystem.
We realise from the earliest years that our actions have a systemic impact, that instead of being an unconscious, or mindless, agent of our world’s demise, we can be a mindful, conscious part of co-creating a word with a future.
As well as formalised classroom-based learning, we create curriculums and resources that develop practices for spiritual wholeness, and for the full exploration and development of the unique gifts or attributes that each child brings. Our learning cycles continually revisit the topics we have identified as key to the knowledge and skills children will need to thrive in today’s world, building and deepening this knowing with each rotation.